Notice ofPrivacy

Data ProtectionNotice of Privacy

GRUPO CUMMERX S.A. DE C.V. (GRUPO EXPORTA) (referred as "GRUPO EXPORTA" from now on); with address at Calle Culiacán No. 52 - Int 2. Col. Hipódromo, Alcaldia Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06100 Ciudad de México, thoroughly fulfilling the Federal Law of Personal Data Possessed by Particulars Protection and its Regulation (jointly the Law of Data Protection) let you know that your personal and or patrimonial that are requested will be exclusively used in fulfillment of activities concerning the CLIENT/PROVIDER relation that currently binds you.

All the data and information provided by the CLIENTS/PROVIDER, will be treated in a lawful, controlled and informed based in the principles of quality, consent, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility, to guarantee the privacy of it.

GRUPO EXPORTA with the goal to stop the access and unauthorized reveal, keep the integrity of the data and guarantee the correct use of the information uses physical, technological and administrative procedures appropriate to protect all the information that Is gathered.

GRUPO EXPORTA Will be able to use and share the provided information to those that for the nature of their function have the need to know the provided information; with the only goal to fulfill those obligations that exist due to the existent relationship with the holder of the data and or information and GRUPO EXPORTA; unless the holder expressly manifest their opposition, in in terms of the provisions by the Law of Personal Data Protection.

The owner of the data and information can exsert their right of access, correction, cancelling or opposing that are established in the Law of Data Protection, through a written request, that will have to be sent to: this request should comply with all and each of the requirements stablished in the Article 29 of the Law of Data protection:

  • Name and address of the owner, email or other way to communicate the answer of their request;
  • Documents that prove the identity or legal representation from the holder;
  • Clear and accurate description of the personal data over the ones one of the previous rights previously mentioned is enforced, and
  • Any other element or document that helps locate the personal data.

If there were to be a security breach in any phase of the treatment of personal, patrimonial or sensitive data, GRUPO EXPORTA will make the owner aware immediately, by e-mail, so that any measurements can be taken in order to protect the applying rights.

GRUPO EXPORTA reserves the right to change, modify, complement or alter the current notice, at any point, in which case it will be notified through any of the ways that the legislation approves.